Biography about 1980 pop culture timeline

What was the 1980s era called

Here are some of the pop culture highlights of the year On September 19th, the hit film ‘Ordinary People’ was released.
biography about 1980 pop culture timeline

Historical events in 1980 to 1990

Here’s a snapshot of life and pop culture in The price of things: In a loaf of bread cost just 33p.

Historical events in 1980 to 1989

s “Clancy of the Overflow” becomes a hit song for the folk music band Wallis and Matilda.
1980s pop culture
The s (pronounced "nineteen-eighties", shortened to "the '80s" or "the Eighties") was the decade that began on 1 January , and ended on 31 December The decade saw a dominance of conservatism and free market economics, and a socioeconomic change due to advances in technology and a worldwide move away from planned economies and towards laissez-faire capitalism compared to the s.