Madame de stael biography meaning

Staël meaning

Anne Louise Germaine de Staël-Holstein, commonly known as Madame de Staël (French: [madam də stal]), was a prominent philosopher, woman of letters, and political theorist in both Parisian and Genevan intellectual circles.
madame de stael biography meaning

Germaine de staël contributions

Germaine de Staël was born on April 22, in Paris and died there on July 14, Her full name was Anne-Louise-Germaine Necker, and after her marriage to the Missing: meaning.

Madame de staël pronunciation

The French-Swiss woman of letters and novelist Germaine de Staël [full name Anne Louise Germaine Necker, Baronne de Staël-Holstein, historically referred to as Madame Missing: meaning.

Madame de staël chi era
Physically unattractive and tastelessly attired, she was known for her brilliant mind and her writings, her unconventional lifestyle, and her opposition to Napoleon Bonaparte.