Martin luther king jr- biography

When was martin luther king born and died

Martin Luther King Jr. was a social activist and Baptist minister who played a key role in the American civil rights movement from the mids until his assassination in

martin luther king jr- biography

Martin luther king, jr. parents

Martin Luther King, Jr. - Civil Rights, Nonviolence, Equality: In the years after his death, King remained the most widely known African American leader of his era.

How did martin luther king changed the world

Martin Luther King, Jr., made history, but he was also transformed by his deep family roots in the African-American Baptist church, his formative experiences in his hometown of Atlanta, his theological studies, his varied models of religious and political leadership, and his extensive network of contacts in the peace and social justice movements of his time.
Where was martin luther king born
Learn more about Martin Luther King Jr.'s efforts to transform the United States' understanding of racial inequality and his campaign with other Civil Rights.