Roger ebert movie reviews 2018

Movies to watch 2017

Every film which Roger Ebert gave a four out of four star review in his career.
roger ebert movie reviews 2018

Best movies 2017

A Jim Jarmusch film starring Adam Driver that is punctuated throughout with poetry by Ron Padgett.

Best movies 2019

Reading Ebert’s passionate praise of exemplary filmmaking was a treat for readers, but his take-downs of the very worst of box offices provided another kind of joy.
Top 10 movies 2017
“Aquaman” embraces the childlike absurdity of armored Atlantean troopers coming up onto the land and martial arts-fighting their enemies in broad daylight, presenting the mayhem as matter-of-factly as a kung fu showdown from “ Infra-man ” or “Mighty Morphin Power Rangers.”.